Sunday, December 11, 2011

Steven Spielberg's star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

Steven Spielberg - IMDB says "Undoubtedly one of the most influential film personalities in the history of film, Steven Spielberg is perhaps Hollywood's best known director and one of the wealthiest filmmakers in the world. Spielberg has countless big-grossing, critically acclaimed credits to his name, as producer, director and writer."

Tourists often ask me if he has a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Yes, he does. It is in the Motion Picture category and is located in front of the Kodak Theatre,  6801 Hollywood Blvd. (E-9) on The Zale Map.
I took this photo 12/2012 in the evening
I'll be posting a better picture as soon as time permits


The only up to date and current map of all 2,460+ stars on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.
To get your own copy ask your travel agent, tour guide or simply walk into the Grauman's Chinese Theater gift shop or any souvenir gift shop on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and ask for it by name...

"The Zale Map"

For the latest star recipient buzz just follow me on Twitter 

On behalf of Hollywood, I would like to say, welcome to our city and may it be your best vacation ever!
Danny Zale
(Former Street Performer as Elvis Presley and Hugh Jackman' Wolverine )
Creator of
The Hollywood Walk Of Fame Celebrity Star Locator Official Map Guide - The Zale Map (c)